Saturday 29 June 2024

1105 - DROVE

JEnny had been doing heR job for her whole working life. She had to put up with the noise of the vacuum cleaner six days a week as she cleaned offices. At first it was quite fun, interacting with the staff (especially the young men!). But as she grew older it had all become a chore, especially as she was now only allocated shifts at night when no-one else was around. Eventually it got to her and drove her to hand in her notice, but not before she had meticulously taken her vacuum apart  into as many pieces as she could without actually damaging anything. Her boss was furious, but couldn't do a lot since she hadn't damaged or stolen anything!

The disassembled vacuum cleaner
The disassembled vacuum cleaner

Friday 28 June 2024

1104 - ORDER

AlicE was a bit boRed on a summer afternoon when she heard the sound of running. On looking up she saw a white rabbit, which was not that unusual. But things became odder when she noticed he was wearing a waistcoat and looking anxiously at his pocket watch. She couldn't help but follow the rabbit, even when it went down a rabbit hole. After following the rabbit for five minutes she realised that this was most peculiar and that she'd better turn round and get back up above ground. It took ten minutes, but she eventually managed it and her life started once more to have some order to it again.

The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit

Thursday 27 June 2024

1103 - KNEAD

AlbeErt was picking his old friend Hank up from the railway station; Hank had left his home in Colorado yesterday. They greeted each other warmly and Albert led Hank to his car "Gee, I like your sedan. But, what is it.", remarked Hank. "Oh, that is my old Ford Zephyr Mk 1", replied Albert proudly. "What year was that made", inquired Hank. "My father bought it new in 1954 and now it's mine", enlightened Albert. Hank thoroughly enjoyed the ride back to Albert's place, especially all the admiring faces looking his way! When they got to Albert's place, Albert said to Hank - "Please excuse me for a bit - I have to knead tomorrow's bread one last time before it rises and I can bake it".

Albert's Ford Zephyr Mk 1
Albert's Ford Zephyr Mk 1

Wednesday 26 June 2024

1102 - SAVOR

From below, All looked noRmal. The Radar was tracking a regular course for the aircraft. Those looking up saw the familiar vapor trail. But in the cockpit all was not as normal. The captain was unwell and unable to contribute to the handling of the aircraft and the co-pilot had lost his confidence. The Co-pilot was praying hard asking God for favor to make the right decisions. His landing was textbook perfect. He brought the aircraft into its bay and the doctor and ambulance people admitted to assist the stricken pilot. At last the co-pilot could relax and savor the safe landing. After that day he made a point of thanking God every day for his favor.

Vapor Trail
Vapor Trail

Tuesday 25 June 2024

1101 - DOLLY

Five oLd school chums went to a posh hotel for a celebratory meal. The other quiet diners were somewhat dismayed by how noisy the room had become after their arrival. Three mature ladies at another table started making remarks. "Golly", said Holly, "they are all talking at once". "Oh, I do wish they'd quieten down", grumbled Polly. "Do you think I should have a word with them?", inquired Dolly. "Oh, no, don't make a scene!", chorused Holly and Polly.

The Five Chums

Monday 24 June 2024

1100 - BUGLE

GabrieL, thE chef, was thirsty. Even though few staff were there yet, but Gabriel didn't feel he could just open a can of coke because he valued his reputation. So he chose some fruits and an avocado to blend. Unfortunately this made a noise giving away his location in the vast kitchen. Fairly soon one of the diners, who was rather early and bored, heard the sound and came up to Gabriel, startling him. He turned to see a belle with her autograph book at the ready. Not only did Gabriel sign, but gave her a pheasant tail feather to add to the plume on her elaborate hat. They had a pleasant conversation together until the bugle sounded on the restaurant tannoy system to announce that the restaurant doors would be opening in an hour. Gabriel kissed her hand in farewell and turned his full attention to the evening ahead, but all the while hoping he'd encounter her again.

The belle in her hat
The belle in her hat

Sunday 23 June 2024

1099 - EDICT

IT was thE time of yer for the big town gathering. If you wanted to be in the know you would be there. The town square was of course noisy and it was quite difficult to move around there. Then it was time and the crowd quietened. The town chief stood up on the platform and unrolled the year's edict on what the town plans for the forthcoming year were and what was expected of the residents. There were various reactions as the edict was read out, from gasps, to boos, to YESs, to same-olds etc. After the gathering it was time for the big town feast.

The Town Gathering
The Town Gathering


482 - FLOOR

“LO and behold, there's  flour  on the  floor .” exclaimed Denise. “I wonder if Ethan has been making a cake?” she thought.