Monday 5 December 2022

533 - ADORE

As Egbert Rode his motorbike he muttered to himself "I swear that lamppost wasn't there yesterday". Then he twigged it was a smear on his visor. A couple of minutes later he rode up to the deserted manor house and gingerly opened the door. In the hall on the walls were darkened dusty paintings, and a shield and spear. A feeling of dread crept over him so that, when a rat scurried across the room, it gave Egbert quite a scare. Apprehensively he went further in and was fortunate to spot the snare in his path which he was able to step over. This encouraged him to keep going as it meant there was something worth seeking out beyond here. Behind an innocent-looking door Egbert found a narrow passageway in which there was little room to spare. And then he saw it - the hoard of valuables occupied a fair proportion of the chamber at the end of the passage. "There's plenty here to share some with me.", thought Egbert. He stretched out his hand and grabbed what he could reach, stuffing it into his bag. He did this a couple of times more and then retraced his way through the house. Once he was in the hall he paused to take a look at some of his valuables and came across a beautiful sapphire necklace. "I know someone who will adore this", he thought to himself as he pictured his beloved Eloise. He rode back to her house in triumph and showed Eloise the hoard and told her where it came from. "You've got to take this to the police and tell them where the rest is", she retorted in a voice that had to be obeyed. But Egbert did get a £1,000 reward for handing in the treasure trove.

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