Friday 9 December 2022

537 - INFER

Elizabeth RegINa was regaled in her best clothes and jewellery. The visiting head of state thought that you could not find any finer clothes or jewellery. Afterwards, she was thinking about the life of a diamond miner and how different it would be to hers. The next day she'd arranged a secretive meeting with an illustrator for the book she was writing. They met in a diner, ordering burger and chips with a side of salad. ER had to look at other customers to see how to tackle eating the burger. The engraver had a small inker with her and she proceeded to show ER her latest illustrations. After a few small adjustments to the designs, ER was content, giving her an inner peace she'd not otherwise known in Royal circles. The diner proprietor was trying to puzzle out who the two unusual customers were and all he could infer was that they were famous actors hiding their identities.

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