Monday 19 December 2022

547 - TAPER

AT the aftERnoon playtime Freddie had the toy taser and was going around the other children taking their toys from them. On observing this, the Nursery Worker took Freddie aside. "You can't always be a taker", she said, "you must also learn to be a giver". Although Freddie learnt his lesson that day, his tendency was always to take. So a career in the HMRC as a taxer suited him well. When he was 24 he encountered Geraldine who was generous, warm and beautiful. Freddie and Geraldine fell in love and before the year was out they were married. Geraldine had a powerful effect on Freddie and he became a lot tamer. He became a sidesman in the local church which meant he could take money from people, but now not for himself. He would be early at the service and would be seen, taper in hand, lighting the church candles.

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