Tuesday 27 December 2022

555 - JUDGE

Florence was sitting on the bEnch Under the bridge enjoying the river scene alongside two strangers. An old man was keen to sit down and the person next to Florence gave her a nudge to move along the bench to make room. Florence couldn't move very far and the man at the other end made it quite clear that he wasn't going to budge. Florence decided to calm the tense situation by offering a piece of fudge to everyone, including the uncooperative man. He was taken aback and sheepishly moved to the end of the bench making way for the old man to sit down. Florence's faith had taught her not to judge people too hastily and before long all four of them were having a deep conversation. It turned out that the uncooperative man had lost his job that day and he was very apprehensive. He got a lot of consolation and hope from the conversation with Florence and the other strangers.

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