Friday 20 January 2023

579 - MUCKY

Becoming a dUke meant that Reginald became a key figure in his duchy and had a direct line to the King. He expanded his wardrobe and enjoyed being made a fuss of as he toured his district and spent time in the royal courts. Then he got wind of the invention of the horseless carriage and Reginald made sure he was one of the first to acquire one. Usually his chauffeur drove the contraption, but one day Reginald insisted on doing the driving. He hadn't gone very far when he lost control and he was thrown out onto the verge. Neither the car nor Reginald came to much harm, but Reginald's fine clothes were very mucky and torn. Once he got home he went to sulk in his drawing room soothing his nerves with a glass of brandy.

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