Wednesday 26 April 2023

675 - JOKER

ThERe he was On Thursday, Roger yawning (he was quite a dozer) and remembering to cover his mouth. His next-door neighbour had sent his drone up and, as it was in the hover, it filmed Roger as he drifted off to sleep. So you can see that it was unlikely that Roger would ever be a mover or motivator. Getting bored with his current situation he packed his bags and once more resumed being a rover. As he walked beside the road a juggernaut passed by too close and he felt a tug on his backpack - he thought he was a goner. At the next town he entered the casino; there was a ching as the door opened. As he played a game of poker he was delighted to draw a joker in two consecutive games which enabled him to win the games and make a lot of money.

Italian Joker Card

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