Sunday 7 May 2023

686 - ANGER

As soon as thE morning aRrived, Jo would run into his parent's room and start asking questions. "Why is the earth round? Why is the sky blue? Why do insects buzz? Why am I not allowed to eat grass?", is what Mum and Dad's day started with. Mum yarned - "You're such an asker", she said. Jo rarely got answers because there were so many questions! One morning however Jo said he'd seen a snake in the garden. "Can I pick it up?", he asked. At this his Dad was quick to respond. "No, you mustn't because it might be an adder", he said. Dad got his tablet and showed Jo pictures of the adder. "You must never get close to these", he concluded. Then Jo's Dad's phone rang and Jo's Dad exploded with anger. "It's another of those scam faulty equipment calls - that's 20 this week."

Common European Adder[

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