Thursday 18 May 2023

697 - PLANK

BilL spent mAny a late afternoon sitting by the river bank watching the shoal of fish floating in the water, perfectly suited to their environment. He did get some flack for this solitary behaviour from his college mates who were frequently socialising. To him it was plain obvious that quietness and contemplation were the best thing to do to let the day's teaching and activities sink in. One day when Bill was sitting in his usual spot, he heard a scream upstream. He spotted a baby floating in the water and being carried away by the current. Quickly, he grabbed a piece of wood from the nearby building site and jumped into the river with it. He was just able to manoeuvre the plank to intercept the floating baby and direct it towards the bank. The builders who'd originally been angry by the 'theft' of the wood, rushed to the bank and assisted getting the infant out of the water and safely restored to its parents. It seemed none the worse for its adventure other than being soaked through. Bill was suitably rewarded with a bravery award and a few friends started joining him by the river bank in the late afternoons.

Small goldband fusiliers
Small goldband fusiliers

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