Thursday 25 May 2023

704 - UTTER

Jake was commanded to stand in THe dock and heaR the verdict. "You are guilty of car theft on a grand scale and must be imprisoned", boomed the judge. "Take him away and inter him for six months", he said to the court security. Turning to Jake again his parting comment was that he would no longer be a voter during his incarceration, though why this was important was lost on everyone in the court! When Jake arrived in the outer part of the jail he felt that this wasn't so bad after all. But then he was taken to his cell and to his utter amazement he had to share the cramped room with two other inmates who looked rather intimidating. "No more car theft for me", he thought - I must finish my education and get a regular job.

Jake's job as a checkout cashier?
Jake's job as a checkout cashier?

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