Friday 2 June 2023

712 - JAZZY

JuliAn was reading an old copy of The Dandy magazine and was having a nostalgic chuckle. But then he had a panic as a group of bawdy revellers came round the corner and he hoped they hadn't seen what he'd been reading. They passed Julian without incident, but he was spotted by The Colonel on his mobility scooter. Julian dreaded this encounter because the Colonel was so gassy and full of himself. Whilst being bombarded by the Colonel he noticed his saggy clothes and Julian hoped that he wouldn't let his standards slip when he reached that age. "These gammy legs of mine force me to use this scooter. I can't get into the places I used to go in", complained the Colonel. Half an hour later Julian was able to extract himself and head home. He drank a cup of tea and ate a jammy sandwich whilst he prepared bubble and squeak made with mashy potatoes and cabbage ready for frying at mealtime. After food he and his flat-mates got their instruments out and enjoyed making jazzy music that most people in the flats enjoyed.

Dandy Annual 2014
Dandy Annual 2014

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