Sunday 11 June 2023

722 - GUARD

HARry and Gilbert drank their beers and had a frank discussion about the state of the town. Gilbert started to crank up the tone of the discussion and others in the bar were starting to look on. A hoary old man came up to them and, with wise words, managed to lower the heat of the discussion. Harry and Gilbert were somewhat squeamish so when the conversation at the next table started including words like ovary and gall bladder, they didn't want to hear any more and they moved outside whilst discussing what prank they could play on their workmates. As they left they had to dodge past the charm hanging on the door frame. "Oh, how strange, there's a bridge here made of board", said Harry, "the pub is unlikely to win any award with that there - it is so tatty looking." "I agree", said Gilbert, "and it's guard rail looks like it will collapse any moment. Somebody should do something about these issues."

Plank footbridge, Thailand
Plank footbridge, Thailand

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