Friday 16 June 2023

726 - MAYBE

MAry and ChristophEr had their friends Marlene and Bob round for lunch. They had smoked salmon and a salad of mâche, cucumber, tomatoes and celery with seeds and nuts. Unfortunately Bob didn't like the salad all that much so the remains were put into the cavie which housed the hens and guinea pigs who pounced on the extra snack. After lunch the two men had games of billiards whilst the women planned the town exhibition. Christopher did a spectacular masse shot that helped him win that game. Mary and Christopher had taken on a lost dog which was in quite a state, having mange. It was getting better with proper treatment and care. They all went for a walk, starting with a field of tall maize, with the dog on a mauve lead. They were surprised to encounter a mahoe tree in someone's garden. At the end of a part of the path the way was blocked and they had to pick one of two ways. They chose one which soon seemed to be taking them further out of their way. "Maybe we should have picked the other way", said Marlene. They retraced their steps, took the other way and arrived back home easily. "Time for a cup of tea and cake", said Mary.

Blue mahoe tree
Blue mahoes are common urban trees in Jamaica

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