Sunday 9 July 2023

749 - COWER

ERic the biker was telling his friends about the hitch hiker and the viper (see 740 - DINER), elaborating the story as much as he could. His wife was kicking him under the table and, when she could, mouthing to him to stop being such a poser. Eric's monologue was interrupted by flashing lights and the screech of tyres outside as Frank, the criminal, was surrounded by police, his cover having been blown. Overhead a helicopter had come to the hover and a one of the police was fulfilling the role of a mover clearing onlookers out of the way. Frank was put into the police Rover and taken to the detention facility. He was put to work in the kitchen being given the task of using a corer to prepare the apple crumble. Once Frank was sentenced he was given the tougher task of being a coker in the prison boiler room. He was allowed an hour a day for recreation and took to gardening, becoming rather proud of his chive patch. Some of the inmates mocked him but others said that what works for him, works for him. A new prisoner was being bullied and would cower whenever certain inmates were around. But Frank became his friend and protector, and Frank was not someone you messed about with.

Chive patch
Chive patch

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