Sunday 16 July 2023

756 - CRONE

Aaron had plantEd 70 acres of tRees to grow various types of drupe. He had been warned about the wild animals damaging his young trees and so to begin with he roped off the land in a crude attempt to keep them at bay. Later On he set about the chore of building a fence. As a make-do he was using some broken up barrels with the croze near the ends providing a useful notch for attaching to the rails. He had to have loads of beehives during the flowering season. Aaron did a rough calculation and reckoned there would be about a crore (10,000,000) of cells within all the hives combined. A year later, Aaron's mother, an old and wise crone, came to live with him. She became very prominent in the local WI taking it from being a cosy club into a more strident voice for the put-upon females of society and attracting a lot of younger members.

Honeycomb with eggs and larvae
Honeycomb with eggs and larvae

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