Friday 28 July 2023

768 - DISCO

Cecil was a modern day monk who lived in a quiet house where he could contemplate the universe. But one day his house became very noisy. Eventually it stopped, but not until 2am. The next time it started he put on his long cloak and, pausing only to buy a box of mints from the local kiosk, he put on a pious look and went to investigate. Having discovered the cause of the noise he returned home, pondering what to do. Before becoming a monk, Cecil had been a cunning scientist and engineer and he put his previous skills to work and created an amazing gismo which he put in his garden between his house and the source of the noise. The next time the disco started all was peaceful and quiet in his house and Cecil could get back to his contemplations.

study of a monk in contemplation
study of a monk in contemplation

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