Thursday 10 August 2023

781 - LOVER

CoLin lived with his parEnts in a secluded house by the River. He was very much a loner with an obsession for anything to do with boats. There was a small inlet from the river where Colin operated his model boats. He even had a model cruise liner which needed careful handling to lower into the water. His Mum and Dad were anxious about Colin being on his own. On one of his visits to the library to look for another nautical book, Colin encountered Jean who was looking for a book on coastlands. They both enjoyed each other's company and started dating. One day, to his parent's surprise, Colin brought Jean to the house and announced that they wanted to marry. Colin's parents were thrilled that at last Colin had found a lover.

Floating LEGO Titanic Model [7 foot model]
Floating LEGO Titanic Model [7 foot model]

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