Wednesday 30 August 2023

801 - CAPER

FrAnkiE frequently went to the Races where he would put a wager on whichever horse he fancied. His brother was perturbed at the debts that were mounting up and told Frankie that it would be safer to put his money into a high interest saver account. Eventually Frankie took his advice and took up employment at a stables so he could pay off his debts. He was able to learn to ride horses as well. Eventually he built up his skills and became a pacer for a star horse. He became very familiar with the leather tackle that the horses used and could spot a faker salesman quickly. Every autumn he would get the waxer out to treat the leather to protect it for the winter. Occasionally he had to set up an ancient horse-drawn carriage complete with candle lights which would waver terribly despite the protective glass surrounding it. One day his pager went off and it was his mate letting him know that the ice-cream van was outside. "I'll have a vanilla wafer please", he said to the ice-cream maker who was a bit of a scamp. When he produced the wafer there was a single caper on top of the ice-cream. "It's the latest trend", he said to Frankie, but Frankie was not convinced. It tasted nice though!

Racehorse training
Racehorse training

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