Friday 8 September 2023

810 - DWELL

In ApriL 1978 thE Reverend Donald had lost his income with the shutting down of the glebe system of income from land so he had to take stock of his situation. Firstly there was the question of his belle of a daughter who was being courted by a swell of visitors. He said to her "I can't shell out for any more clothes with my drop in income." She was crest-fallen and decided to leave home and get an education and a job. This helped Donald to quell his diminishing resources, though it made him quite morose with his daughter not being around. He went to the church and sounded a mournful knell on one church bell to release his grief. The next morning he decided he could not dwell on his loss but instead attend to the week's sermon.

Plan of a typical medieval manor with open field systems, demesnes and glebes
Plan of a typical medieval manor with open field systems, demesnes and glebes

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