Tuesday 3 October 2023

835 - MERRY

In a nondEscRipt house a young man was enjoying himself making another remix, combining J S Bach and The Beatles. He had been on a shopping  spree the previous week to buy the equipment for doing this. He was briefly distracted when, looking out of his window, he spotted a puffball fungus explode releasing many a spore into the air. After lunch it was time to head to the garden to shore up the wobbly fence. Then he headed to his garage and carried on with his latest sculpture. He was at the stage where he had to use emery paper to smooth part of the metal in the lathe. On the way back to the house he picked a sloe berry, pausing only to pick several more. There was a card delivered whilst he had been out - it was a Christmas card saying "Merry Christmas". "Bah, humbug", he muttered, as he threw it on the fire.

Spores coming out of puffball fungus
Spores coming out of puffball fungus

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