Friday 13 October 2023

846 - UNCLE

The famiLy wEre at the seaside, the first time for the little girl. "What is that strange smell?", said the girl. "Oh, that is the smell of the sea", said Mum. Dad thought about explaining it was ozone, but thought better of it. "Let's go exploring", said Mum. They found all sorts of shell types which the parents were able to identify and which the girl collected to decorate her room. They set up their inflatable dingy and went out into the bay. The swell gave the boat a most unpleasant motion and the parents had great difficulty trying to quell the need to be sick. The little girl was enjoying it all, unaffected by the strange motion. She saw a fleck of something pretty floating in the water and reached out to get it. Of course she fell in the water, finishing on her back, the lifevest giving her lovely support. There was a man on the beach who was watching. When he saw the girl fall in, he called out "chile, I'm coming", as he charged into the waves. The girl recognised the voice of her uncle, and very soon her rescuer was at her side and bringing her back to shore. The girl was enjoying every bit of all this, especially seeing her uncle whom she loved. The parents meanwhile were making the best of getting back, swapping in turn between rowing and being sick!

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