Wednesday 18 October 2023

850 - ADULT

LAvinia had always been inTerested in cars. As was her habit she undid the plait she'd slept in and went to pester her Dad once again to let her drive the car. Her Dad was reluctant as the waste ground where she could practice was wet that day. But eventually he handed over the keys and she drove off testing out a new route round the waste ground. Her inexperience showed when, to her annoyance, she got the car into a stall more than once. She didn't like failing at things, so when she got back home there was a mixture of delight and frustration emanating from her. "Don't worry too much Lavinia", said her Dad, "it won't be too long before you're 17, almost an adult, and then you can have some proper lessons that will build your confidence."

Getting a Provisional Driving Licence
Getting a Provisional Driving Licence

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