Wednesday 25 October 2023

857 - CAUSE

LAdy PEnelope burst into the vet's premises, walked straight past reception and those waiting and charged into the treatment room. "There's something wrong with Mr Chang, my lapdog", she said with a strident voice. A vet came and had a look and as gently as possible led her and Mr Chang over to a corner of the room. "I don't want to alarm you, but Mr Chang has a mild infection of mange." "What an outrageous suggestion", shouted Lady P, "how can that be - Mr Chang is well cared for and stays in the house?" She was making quite a scene. The vet hadn't come across Lady P before, but was well trained to deal with not only animals but their owners as well! "I'm sorry that you're upset and can see why", said the vet, but the important things now is to treat Mr Chang. Now you know the cause of the itchy bald skin, Mr Chang can have this cream applied to sort out the infection. I'll do the first treatment now so you can see what to do. Apply this twice weekly and it will clear up soon." "I can't do that", protested a calmer Lady P. "Well, see the receptionist and she can book you in for the treatments here", replied the vet. When Lady P left the vets, there was a collective sigh of relief from all there.

Mr Chang
Mr Chang

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