Wednesday 15 November 2023

878 - SASSY

Amelia is a fussy eater. The spiny skin of fresh lychees put her off from enjoying them. She once came across a durian fruit with its spiky skin, but the odour of it she felt was repulsive. Her flat-mate Emily brought home a superb savoy for them to share, but Amelia turned up her nose at it. She liked celery except when it had been in the fridge too long and had become saggy. "Oh you're such a picky eater, Amelia", said Emily one day. "You should start watching a food program or two to get some ideas to try and break through this pickiness." One day she heard on one of the food programs a quote from Jeff Koehler: "Olives and preserved lemons add sassy tartness to salads, chicken tagines, and fish dishes." Her mouth watered and she sought out a Moroccan restaurant and tucked in to some delicious food, not asking too closely what was in it until after she'd enjoyed it! There was no stopping her after that and even Emily was shocked at what Amelia enjoyed!

Durian Fruit
Durian Fruit

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