Friday 24 November 2023

887 - QUEEN

Amongst thE herd of bison, one curious young individual had been observing a painter at work and wanted to have a go herself. She put on a decorator's smock and tried to hold the paint roller, only to discover her hoof was not well adapted to doing that. The other bison laughed at the youngster and nicknamed her Smocky. It was only a wheen herd and the owner had been observing the unfolding story. She went down to the herd and remonstrated with those who were teasing the individual. "I am your queen and I won't stand for that sort of behaviour", she said. She had a servant make a hoof adapter that would allow the youngster to hold the roller. After a while she became quite a good painter, even decorating one of the barn walls with a primitive artwork. The rest of the herd now respected her.

Young Bison
Young Bison

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