Tuesday 12 December 2023

905 - HOUSE

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

OnE fine, sunny morning, when The birds were chirping, there was a scene of beautiful flowers all different kinds such as buttercups, daisies, dandelions, roses, tulips and many more that I can’t name. In the middle of this display of sweet smelling flowers, was a house. The house had red bricks and a straw roof with smoke coming out of a chimney.

House with pretty flowers
House with pretty flowers

This is my version:

ThE audience was seated in the theatre. As the screen rose and the lights went up, the audience saw a scene all ready for the whodunnit they'd come to see, which was set in a grand house. At that point the fire alarm sounded and everyone had to evacuate the theatre, so no one saw the play.

Whodunnit stage scene
Whodunnit stage scene

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