Friday 29 December 2023

922 - LEARN

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

Coco wAs whispEring to Sky and Suzi about how Learning was so boRing. They were in Year 7 and Mrs Corli was teaching them to learn algebra. Callie joined in by saying it was like watching your grandad explain how to fix the pipes! They all burst out laughing but got a detention each.

Callie being repreminded
Callie being repreminded

This is my version:

ALfonso enjoyed the convenience of living in his pArEnt's home and being cateRed for, even though he'd reached the age of 32. His parents did not have the same view! One evening his father, George, unplugged the TV mid-programme and sat in front of Alfonso. "Right", said George, "it's time for you to stop living here. You need to find your own place. You'll be welcome here for the occasional meal, but you'll need to change your address and fend for yourself." The gobsmacked Alfonso took a while whilst the shock sank in, his head swirling. "So that will mean I'll have to learn to cook, do the laundry, clean the house and… ", Alfonso trailed off mid sentence." "YES", chorused his father and mother! Alfonso didn't sleep much that night!

Alfonso before being asked to leave home
Alfonso before being asked to leave home

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