Sunday 31 December 2023

924 - THREE

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

Three days ago, I was in thE woods and I was making a loT of noise. I accidentally distuRbed a bear's supper. The bear was eating a supper of ants. I was running and screaming and tried to get away. The bear's food began to strew and run underground. She saw me and started chasing me. I ran with all my might till I got to my house, then I locked the door. I need advice before I treed that bear at our door. Maybe I can ask my sister Lola, since she loves wildlife. Maybe she could give me some tips? Or… I could get our dog Donner to scare it away.

Two treed cubs
Two treed cubs

This is my version:

"I am going To solvE this pRoblem", he said with grim determination. "This is the nineteenth time I've tried to find this missing report amongst all these others, but I've had no success. Right, let's try something different - I'll strew them all over the floor and see if it comes out on top." Unsurprisingly that didn't do it and Franklin had to admit defeat. Franklin went out for a walk trying to ease his frustration. Not looking where he was going particularly, he wandered into a farmyard whereupon there was fierce barking and a particularly vicious looking dog was racing towards him. He legged it, reaching the edge of the treed area whereupon he scrambled up the nearest tree. "That's torn it", muttered Franklin, "I'm treed and I've ripped my trousers". Eventually a farmhand, Sam, came to his rescue calling out "Come, Softie, heel", he said, putting a lead on Softie. "He doesn't really live up to his name, does he", commented Sam to Franklin. "You make number three I've had to rescue this week", he quipped, "let me help you down". Franklin certainly got a break from his frantic searching! On returning to base he went back into the room only to spot the errant document sitting open on the desk!

Franklin's encounter with the dog
Franklin's encounter with the dog

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