Wednesday 3 January 2024

927 - AGING

The cAfé was very noisy what with everyone talking, the coffee machine hissing and the used china clinking - he'd hoped for a quiet place away from the office. He wished he had some earplugs to hand. His boss told him that 10 jobs needed axing and it was his task to choose who. Just then one of the company's employees walked in, which he could've done without. So he quickly shut up his laptop, pulled out his phone and started aping an intense phone call to deter the employee from joining him. Having to keep up this imaginary call all the time the employee was in the café was quite a challenge and left him drained at the end. "All I want to do now is go to sleep", he thought, "I must be aging!" The rest of the redundancy work would have to wait for a bit.

Working in the noisy cafe
Working in the noisy cafe

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