Friday 5 January 2024

929 - SCANT

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

Leo wAs in Grade 3. Mr Thompson was teaching them about protesting. The people in Leo’s class were all very different. Jack ate food at a terrific speed and had an amazing appetite, but an everlasting stain of orange juice down his polo shirt. Martin always falls asleep in class and blames Mr Thompson’s boring voice. Naomi is very quiet and always says nice compliments about people. Callie is the mean one. She whispers behind people’s backs and calls them names with her 2 closest friends, Ava and Natalie. Dennis and Hugo play under the table at lesson times. Maria is very pretty and has long blond hair. Lottie and Anna are always talking together, they do gymnastics on the grass at lunch times. And Diago is known in the class for being the one who pays the least attention. Last week I heard Mr Thompson talking to the head teacher that Diago pays scant attention to the facts during class.

Mr Thompson's Class
Mr Thompson's Class

This is my version:

MAlcolm Took no pride in his appearance, much to his Mum's exasperation. Today he was due to go for an interview for a part-time job. At the breakfast table Malcolm spilled some baked beans over his shirt creating a distinct stain. His Mum was horrified as Malcolm wiped the worst of it off, and with scant regard for his appearance, went to put his coat and shoes on. "Not so fast", growled his Mum in a way that stopped Malcolm in his tracks. "There's no way you're going to an interview dressed like that", she said, "go and change your shirt". Sheepishly, Malcolm went upstairs to change, before heading to the interview, having been 'passed' by his Mum.

Malcolm's interview shirt
Malcolm's interview shirt

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