Friday 12 January 2024

936 - BRIEF

Donald is an avid DIYER. This morning, even straight after he'd risen, he'd started planning his next project - which screw to use, which part of the garden needed to be roped off etc. As he finished his breakfast, the delivery arrived and he helped the driver lift the heavy crate through the house to the back. With eager anticipation he pried off the lid. The instructions seemed all greek to him at first. Just then his bank phoned to say that he was overdrawn. Donald hadn't realised how much his recent spending spree had been. Annoyingly he had to break off from his project to move some money around to bring his bank balance out of the red. "Baked spud for lunch", he thought when he'd finished that and he washed a baking potato and placed it on a pyrex dish and set the oven to finish cooking at lunchtime. As he went back to the garden, he paused briefly to enjoy watching a blackbird preen itself. Suddenly the bird cried out its alarm call as the local cat came round the corner. "Oh bother", muttered Donald to himself. "I need to get my washing drying. I hope it dries before the rain comes." After a while getting to know the contents of his delivery and gradually deciphering the instruction, assembly started. By lunchtime things were shaping up nicely and he had his lunch of baked potato with fried mushrooms and aubergine. The afternoon saw good progress with only a few small details to finish the next day. In celebration he went for a MacDonalds with fries. When he got home he had a brief phone conversation with his wife, who was spending a fortnight with her Mum and Dad in Spain.

Donald at work
Donald at work

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