Sunday 21 January 2024

945 - LARGE

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

I feeL worried. My nAme is TigER, I’m an indoor/outdoor cat and live with my partner, Cece, who has just had kittens! 5 of them! Their names are Puss, Lion, Kitty, Melody and Dot. The problem is, before I was a house cat, I lived in an ally with 3 other mates. The most skilled was Buster and the other two - one fat and one skinny- weren’t as skilled. One day, while I was out foraging for leftovers, I spotted Cece and was invited to join her family. Buster was mad when I told him and he let me know it. So now I just wish he wouldn’t see me 'cause I’ve got the kittens to think about now. Our owners, Mr and Mrs Walton, own a large house with a huge garden. There’s a room just for us cats too!

From Alley to Kittens to Care for
From Alley to Kittens to Care for

This is my version:

LArry was hElping his childRen, Lucy and Peter, to learn about sea mammals. Initially the kids had been surprised that animals that breathed air and fed their young by suckling them could live entirely in the sea, as some types do. Larry got them interested in the five types of sea mammals: pinnipeds, cetaceans, sea otters, sirenians and polar bears. "What do you think are the smallest sea mammal", Larry asked. "Sea otters", answered Lucy. "Yes, that's right; an adult can weigh as little as 15kg. Can you think of a really large one?" Peter flung his arms out wide and eagerly pronounced "Blue Whale". "Yes, in fact that's the largest of them and they can weigh up to 136,000kg", said Larry. Lucy then wrote a story about a family of sea otters and drew a cartoon of them floating upside down on the water eating fish and chips with one of them passing another the vinegar.

Sea Otters enjoying their fish & chips
Sea Otters enjoying their fish & chips

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