Thursday 1 February 2024

956 - BULKY

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

"RACOONS! Get out of my shed!" bellowed Mrs Grand shooing 4 stripy racoons into the dark Lawn. The racoons turned around, their beady, bulgy eyes stared back as they hissed in annoyance at Mrs Grand. Mrs Grand was in a particularly bad mood today. Grumpy old Mr Stone had said something that had annoyed Mrs Grand and set off her bad mood. The thing he really said was "stop prancing and twirling around and that silly name I don't think it's grand at all!". And the thing that Mrs Grand cried back was "How dare you sully my wonderful name!" Now this started a shouting quarrel and you could hear it whether you were drilling a bulky screw into a large plank of wood or if you were quietly placing a candle onto your doily.

Mrs Grand and Mr Stone yelling at each other
Mrs Grand and Mr Stone yelling at each other

This is my version:

Lucille laid out the table for her guests. Each fine china serving plate for the sandwiches and cakes had a lace doily on to impress the guests. There was even a couple of 3-tier plates set with a handle on top. "What about some pot noodles, or a big variety bag of crisps?", asked Freya, her young daughter, trying to be helpful. "I'm afraid not dear", replied Lucille, "that would sully the whole atmosphere I'm hoping to create". Part way through the party, Freya was looking decidedly bulgy and Lucille suspected (rightly) that Freya was stuffing her pockets with some of the food. When Lucille had a chance, she challenged Freya about the food she had. "I'm only trying to protect that really bulky lady from eating any more food - she looks like she's had too much already", replied Freya. Lucille couldn't help chuckling and relieved Freya of her burden.

Posh afternoon tea ready for the guests
Posh afternoon tea ready for the guests

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