Friday 16 February 2024

971 - ASCOT

Young Sidney hAd had a loT of setbacks recently and now he was living on the streets and needing to beg. He retained his former polite manner and was keen to thank those that gave to him. After a few months he became more upset as the only clothes he had gradually acquired one stain after another and holes started appearing. Occasionally someone would pop into Costa and get him a large coffee with plenty of sugar. Others would buy him a pasty now and again. One of Sidney's regular contacts was Arthur, a horticulturist by trade. After observing Sidney for a couple of months, and needing to find some casual labour, he asked Sidney if he would like to help him for a few days planting out some hosta seedlings. Sidney leapt at the idea and joined Arthur with the planting out, for which he was fed and have a bed for the night. After the hosta job was finished, Arthur gave Sidney a permanent job. Once Sidney's life had settled somewhat, he bought some new clothes. He decided to include an ascot around his neck in his outfit, partly for warmth but also as his style mark.
Sidney planting a young hosta plant
Sidney planting a young hosta plant

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