Sunday 18 February 2024

973 - PSALM

ALl the miners Arrived at the workface, ready for a tough shift. After a bit, the foreman noticed that one of the crew was not pulling his weight, but looked like his mind was on something else. "Come along, Cyril, don't slack", admonished the foreman, "we have a quota to fill and we all need to put in the work to be able to chalk up the full amount". "Sorry - I'll put my full effort in now.", said Cyril, "I was pondering the fate of the miners who got ~slain by the rock fall last year, It is a dangerous job we do, isn't it? It's best we know our fate after we die, especially doing this job". Cyril was true to his word and the full quota was met and some more, As the miners walked homewards after their shift, Cyril started singing psalm 91 which is all about God's protection. One by one others of the miners joined in.
Evan Roberts last Revival Meeting in Angelsey

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