Tuesday 20 February 2024

975 - PRICE

After a half-term break enjoying having fun with her cousins, my 9-year-old Granddaughter is back. This is her version:

In thE fRiendly forest, you would expect all the trees to be calmly swaying, and the animals to be either asleep or awake on this fine, sunny morning. But things were the complete opposite of that. All the creatures were wildly talking about one thing, and that one thing was a famous band of squirrels was coming there, to the friendly forest, and do a revue. Everybody was so excited that they couldn't sleep! The price of the tickets were 1 acorn only. The neighbour squirrels were shrieking with delight and rummaging through their supply to find their shiniest acorns in return for a front row ticket. Mrs Hedgehog only noticed when she looked at a poster pinned to a nearby apple tree. She was watering her furze when she spotted a piece of paper on the tree. The poster had given a bit of information about behind the scenes too, like that they had a steep learning curve to learn the dance moves and the songs had lots of notes and other musical things like a brieve. Mrs Hedgehog had intended to tell Mr Hedgehog but when she opened his door, all she heard was a loud snore so she decided it would be best to leave him sleeping.

Saturday nut fever
Saturday nut fever

This is my version:

Callum's fEllow passengeRs were amused at the sleepy Callum. Hs snore would change rhythm every time the train swapped from one curve to the opposite one on the twisty rail track. Phil, sitting behind Callum, was just enjoying the view oblivious of the snoring and mirth; the view had opened up to where furze was seen, brightening up the green with dots of yellow. Across the gangway, Veronica was trying to teach her young daughter how to read music, but the giggling passengers and snoring were rather distracting. So when it came to trying to explain a breve note, Veronica realised there wasn't much point in pressing on. Sophie was oblivious to the snoring and mirth since she had her headphones on and was reading the review of the latest West End revue. She thought she would like to see it until she noticed the ticket price. "How much?" she gasped, loudly enough to wake up Callum.

Callum's next rail journey, this time using a nasal strip
Callum's next rail journey, this time using a nasal strip

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