Monday 18 March 2024

1002 - SNORT

Daddy was seTtling his childRen into bed for the night. This was after he'd heard them read from their school reading books. "Now it's time for me to read a story to you", he said. There was a bit of an argie-bargie about which story and whether it should be short or long. They finally agreed on "Fox in Socks". By now, Daddy had become quite slick at reading the tongue-twister and all the children loved it, even the youngest of them. "Be a sport Dad - read it again", said the oldest. Daddy sighed and started again. But within two minutes there was a snort as the youngest fell fast asleep. There was not much resistance from the children to Daddy stopping reading and kissing each child as they snuggled down to sleep.

Father reading to his children
Father reading to his children

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