Sunday 24 March 2024

1008 - RISEN

ThE centuRion surveyed the scene. The cross bar and stake had already been cored ready for speedily attaching together. The three convicts were nailed to a cross and the crosses hoisted into position by the soldiers. The centurion watched the convicts, wondering, as he always did, whether they were guilty or not. There seemed no doubt that two of them were, what with their curses and spitting at the soldiers.

But the other one? His agony seemed to be other-worldly and there was no riling at the soldiers from him. Eventually Jesus let out a great cry saying "It is finished" and his spirit left him.

Since the Sabbath was approaching, this crucifixion needed to be concluded quickly. The legs of the two robbers were broken to speed their death. The Centurion had been so engrossed about what had happened to Jesus that he commanded a soldier to spear him instead. After Jesus had been gored, blood and water poured out, proving he was already dead.

Earlier in the day, those witnessing had various reactions; some were even bored, having witnessed so many crucifixions; but these turn of events had everyone's attention. So, as the Centurion proclaimed "Surely this man was innocent", the crowd started drifting away, their attitudes having changed from derision of Jesus to their own shame.

The soldiers seemed not to notice the earth shattering events taking place. One of them asked the Centurion if he wanted him to preen his horse, as he usually did at this point in the day. He got no answer apart from a wave of the hand dismissing the concept.

Three days later the centurion was asked to investigate a report of a body risen from the dead. He reported that it had indeed happened and that the criminal was definitely dead after his crucifixion. But his superiors surmised he had failed in his duty and so he was posted to Joppa.

Jesus' crucifixion
Jesus' crucifixion

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