Wednesday 10 April 2024

1025 - MERGE

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:

"HEy GaRfield! I'm making crème brûlée. Wanna help?", John called to Garfield from the kitchen. Garfield, who was watching an eerie film on the TV, thought out loud "Of course I do! I love helping with food! The bowl licking, the taste testing! I'm on my way!" He whizzed into the kitchen like a rocket. Garfield watched John merge the ingredients into a bowl. Afterwards, they went out to see Liz. When John saw Liz, he said "Hey, did you redye your hair??" "Why yes John", Liz replied patting her blonde curls. After a meal, they all went home. Just as Garfield's head hit the pillow of his bed, a snore came out from the room.

Garfield is keen to be involved in the food prep
Garfield is keen to be involved in the food prep

This is my version:

EaRly in the morning, Lisa was awake. There seemed to be a snore from every bedroom. "I can't get back to sleep with that racket", mumbled Lisa. "I'm off to redye my blouse". When she'd finished she moisturised her face with face creme. She finished getting ready for the day and went to have some breakfast. Lisa, who loved to talk, sat there in the eerie silence of pre-dawn. As no one else had still not risen, she started work. It was a good time to merge two versions of the same document. "I'm glad that's done. I needed to have some time to do that. Maybe the snoring has had a benefit after all", thought Lisa

Lisa moisturises her face
Lisa moisturises her face

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