Monday 22 April 2024

1037 - JOLLY

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:

"GarfieLd! Wake up! It's Christmas morning!", John yelled. Garfield stared around the room and then mumbled, "well you sure made the house look jolly and I think you overdid it with the holly". "Let's open presents boys!", John cried, rushing downstairs still in his PJ's. "Oh golly Garfield, Aunt Aggie got you a lasagne discount for Joe's fast food restaurant! A blue knitted wool sweater! How sweet of Uncle Peter! Look at the cosy bed Odie, do you like it? Oh Garfield! Seems like Auntie Susan got a bit carried away and got you a frilly dolly! Ok boys, I wrapped these especially for you last night", John started. "No wonder is was so noisy!", thought Garfield! "Odie, I got you a bone and Garfield, in the kitchen is a plate of lasagne!", finished John.

Aunt Aggy reading out the discount voucher for Garfield
Aunt Aggy reading out the discount voucher for Garfield

This is my version:

The teLivision came on in the lounge. Suspicious, Mum came in remarking "What's all this noise?" Megan was clutching her dolly close to her, not sure about what she was seeing on the TV. "Golly!", gasped Mum, "that's not suitable for you two to watch", she said as she switched off the TV. "Callum, I thought we'd agreed that you would collect up the dead holly leaves in the garden this morning". "They were too prickly", replied Callum lamely. "Go on with you, you know how I showed you how not to get pricked", sighed Mum. "Oh yes", responded Callum, as he put his wellies on and headed to the garden. Once Callum was outside and had finished his task, he found other reasons to stay outside and didn't reappear in the house until lunchtime. After lunch Mum announced "It's a special day today because a year ago we moved into this house and we are going to celebrate. Can you two (looking at Callum and Megan) see what you can do to decorate the lounge and make it look all jolly. We've invited your best friend to join us, so there will be six for the celebration."

The jolly lounge ready for the celebration
The jolly lounge ready for the celebration

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