Sunday 5 May 2024

1050 - VALUE

LAncElot is a vet specialising in farm work. As he waits for a call, he is telling his new apprentice a fable about his young days and his first car. "One day as I was on an errand to a farm, the car's inlet valve on the no 1 cylinder jammed and was preventing the engine running. I was a good car mechanic", he boasted to the apprentice "and was able to use some salve from my vet's bag to free up the valve and get the engine running again. As a precaution I had to halve my speed for the rest of the journey, but I got there in the end. At the farm there was a cow having difficulty trying to calve. The farmer was grumpy about me being so late, but nonetheless she sat there with pea pods to shuck and let me have some now and again during the operation on the cow. Oh, they were delicious! Once the operation was safely over, the farmers were delighted and told me how much they value that cow and calf." The apprentice was pretty impressed. That is until one of the other vets asked him if Lancelot had told him the fable about fixing the car on his way to a calving!

Using a calf puller
Using a calf puller

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