Thursday 23 May 2024

1068 - EXALT

A furious sheep breeder caLled AnThony visitEd the police station and kicked up a big fuss about his stolen tup. Because Anthony was a big name in the district, the police sergeant felt obliged to act on the theft. He dispatched three of his constables to see what they could find. PC 1047 patrolled the harbour looking for anything that might help. As he watched a boat having the mooring rope undone from the cleat, he heard the bleat of a sheep from the boat. He quickly intervened, managing to secure the boat again and detain the man. "I suspect you are the man who decided to steal Anthony's tup which I am pretty sure is on your boat.", said the PC, as he put the man in handcuffs. PC 1047 radioed for assistance and the thief was escorted to the police station and the boat searched. All the while the thief protested his innocence, but PC 1047 told him he would be dealt with properly by the law to establish his guilt. Meanwhile, Anthony was called to the boat to identify the tup. Anthony was delighted to meet his tup and wrote a letter to exalt the police for their prompt action.

Anthony's tup
Anthony's tup

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