Monday 24 June 2024

1100 - BUGLE

GabrieL, thE chef, was thirsty. Even though few staff were there yet, but Gabriel didn't feel he could just open a can of coke because he valued his reputation. So he chose some fruits and an avocado to blend. Unfortunately this made a noise giving away his location in the vast kitchen. Fairly soon one of the diners, who was rather early and bored, heard the sound and came up to Gabriel, startling him. He turned to see a belle with her autograph book at the ready. Not only did Gabriel sign, but gave her a pheasant tail feather to add to the plume on her elaborate hat. They had a pleasant conversation together until the bugle sounded on the restaurant tannoy system to announce that the restaurant doors would be opening in an hour. Gabriel kissed her hand in farewell and turned his full attention to the evening ahead, but all the while hoping he'd encounter her again.

The belle in her hat
The belle in her hat

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