AT the Party on ThUrsday the party-goers were having a great time dancing the night away. The band were in full flow and the dance floor was full. Anabel whose home was the flat below returned home to find a thump, thump from the ceiling and groaned. She called her best friend and asked if she could sleep at hers for the night.
Thursday, 20 April 2023
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482 - FLOOR
“LO and behold, there's flour on the floor .” exclaimed Denise. “I wonder if Ethan has been making a cake?” she thought.
Five o L d school chums went to a posh hotel for a celebratory meal. The other quiet diners were somewhat dismayed by how no...
G A briel entered the diner and staggered to a table. "What have you been doing - you're all washy ; there's n...
This 'romantic' boat trip wasn't going v ER y well! There was too much noise from the boat engine, a grebe fly...
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