Sunday 14 May 2023

693 - ACRID

ChARles was getting desperate to find a lady to fall in love with. He knew how to turn on the charm but it usually went pear-shaped after the initial encounter. Today was no exception. To impress his latest want-to-have he was showing off his archery (about which he knew nothing). Although the first arrow missed the target, it did hit something interesting. It unearthed an auric medallion. "I'll find out later if this really is gold", exclaimed Charles. The next arrow narrowly missed the poor gardener with the tail feathers clipping his auris extremity (ear). When he and his lady went to find the third arrow they found it had hit a plant that then released an acrid smell. At that his new want-to-have stormed off and Charles was alone again, back to square one.

Snakes send one back to square one
Snakes send one back to square one

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