Monday 15 May 2023

694 - SCARF

On the next endAEvour for Charles see 693 - ACRID he was turning his charm on Felicity. They went for a walk; "Surely this can't go wrong!", thought Charles. As they walked on the top of a cliff overlooking beautiful scenery, a wind gust whisked off Felicity's neck protector. It finished up caught in a tree part way down the scarp. Charles immediately set off to retrieve it, even though the route to get it was very scary. By hanging on to vegetation and rocks, Charles reached the tree and clambered up to retrieve the scarf. The trip back was even scarier, but when he made it, Felicity threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. "You're so brave - I love you", said Felicity. Their courtship was off to a good start!

Cliffs near Sortavala, Russia
Cliffs near Sortavala, Russia

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