Friday 18 August 2023

790 - EXACT

Peter hAd an older brother, David, who would tease him endlessly, but who would also take him out for a sumptuous feast now and then. As they staggered back on one of these occasions, they were met by a huge black beast which scared them at first until they discovered it was a friendly Russian Black Terrier. When Peter got back home he realised he had to start off his next batch of sourdough bread, so he took his yeast culture out of the fridge and set to on the first stage. After that they went round to the house of one of Peter's friends where it was decided that they'd play a game of charades. When Peter's time came, he motioned that it was a film. He then attempted to enact "Dancing with the Birds" which he soon realised was quite a challenge. Everyone was about to give up when Freda gave the right answer, exact in every detail, much to everyone's amazement.

[Any semblance to actual people and animals is purely coincidental!]

Dancing With The Birds | Official Trailer | Netflix
Dancing With The Birds | Official Trailer | Netflix

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