Sunday 20 August 2023

791 - MAGMA

Roger wAs astonished at the sight. The stranger spoke to him. "This notice saith 'Railway Station'. What pray is that?", he spake unto Roger. (To Roger's eyes he was a wacky looking guy and the sight of the strange wagon he'd got out of didn't help. He had appeared like magic from nowhere. His tunic was all saggy and his trousers baggy.) "Who are you", exclaimed Roger, in some consternation. "I am a magus from Bayaz in ancient Persia, and I findeth myself in these settings that are strange to me whenever I attempteth a particular ritual", replied the magus. "Why, only last week I foundest myself in a place the locals called Pompeii when all of a sudden the mountain nearby exploded, with hot magma pouring out of it and a huge cloud of dust descending on the city. I was glad of my magic to get me out of there in a hurry, I can tell you". Roger realised that explaining a railway station would take a while, so he ordered two double espressos and they sat at the outdoor café whilst Roger explained. As he finished, the magus stood up, bowed low and, together with the wagon, vanished from the scene.

The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum
The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum (c. 1821) by John Martin

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