Friday 10 November 2023

873 - GLAZE

It was quite LAmEntable what happened to Sir Francis. He came in from riding and downed a pint of cider to slake his thirst. He picked up his pipe and applied the flame to it, only to discover it was out of tobacco! "I need some more flake Jake", he shouted out to his estate manager, who Sir F considered his slave. Jake, whose real name was Akira, stopped his work in the workshop, putting down the plane with which he had been fashioning a new handle for the blade of his ninja sword and attended to Sir Francis's demand. After his smoke, Sir F went for a walk in the glade. Whilst he was out Akira added petrol to the fire making it blaze out of control. Before long the lounge was being consumed by fire and, with the rest of the petrol suitably applied to other rooms, it didn't take long before the whole place followed. Akira was nowhere to be seen after the conflagration; all that could be seen was one of his 'you-missed-me' cards in the workshop! It wasn't long before Angus of the Met was on the scene. Fortunately there was no body-bag for Angus to unzip, but he did have to cope with Sir F, who had moved from the stare-of-glaze-in-disbelief phase to the fury-of-anger phase. After that, Angus had to come to terms with the fact that Ninja Akira was at work again. He had no idea what to do about apprehending him.

Sir Francis' mansion ablaze
Sir Francis' mansion ablaze

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