Saturday 11 November 2023

874 - LEASH

After the fire, Akira needed to Lie low for A whilE. (See 872 - NINJA and 873 - GLAZE.) He found a deserted building in rural Wales, inside of which he found an old leach which proved to be great for cosy shelter. Although Angus had been ordered to make tracking down Akira among the least of his priorities, he still sent round Akira's description to other forces. Akira, now calling himself Jimmy, had tried to blend in with the locals and hide among the ordinary. Several locals would stop for chats with Jimmy, which he quite enjoyed. He was starting to let down his guard. The local policeman, not having a lot to do, had taken note of Angus' communique. One day he spotted Akira at ease chatting outside the Co-op. He got in touch with Angus who ignored his superior's protestations and took a crack team of officers with him to rural Wales. They stealthily found where Akira was staying, surrounded the place and on the signal released the attack dog from its leash. Within a minute Akira was handcuffed and before long was on his way back to a very secure cell awaiting trial. Angus slept much better that night.

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